Medium-Term Business Plan HOPE 100 -Stage3-

In the medium-term business plan HOPE 100 Stage 3, the Group will work on the five priority strategies.

Strategy 1. Shift to business based on the proposal of solutions and accelerate the growth of new drug groups

  • Shift to business based on the proposal of solutions to problems by combining ethical drugs business and infection-related business and make Kyorin’s unique contribution to health care workers.
  • Accelerate the growth of new drug groups as much as possible (Flutiform, Desalex, Beova, Lasvic, etc.).
  • Streamline the healthcare business into business focused on infection-related fields.

Solution Provision Activities in Infection Domain

Establish a group-wide sales structure to make Kyorin’s unique contribution to health care workers.

* ICT: Infection Control Team
  AST: Antimicrobial Stewardship Team

Strategy 2. Enhance pipeline to support medium-term growth

  • Actively invest in enhancements to the pipeline that will contribute to business performance in the medium term, with diseases surrounding the three specialities (Respiratory Medicine, Otolaryngology, Urology) of franchise customers, infections, and rare and intractable disease as the domains for in-licenshing.

Strategy 3. Strengthen drug discovery capability to realize the creation of innovative new drugs

  • Continue adding new layers to existing priority research domains and technologies and taking on new research domains and technologies.
  • Pursue R&D based on clarification of healthcare value of new drug candidates.
  • Achieve proof of concept ourselves, as a general rule, and aim for early global out-licensing.
  • Increase diversity by actively acquiring drug discovery seeds.

System for Continuous Creation of Innovative New Drugs

System for Continuous Creation of Innovative New Drugs image

Strategy 4. Improve cost competitiveness

  • Increase cost competitiveness of the GE business by improving the efficiency of the GE sales structure.
  • Strengthen the ability to create new generics for listing in JP.
  • Establish a manufacturing structure to achieve stable supply and low cost while also enabling expansion of subcontracted manufacturing.

Improve cost competitiveness at KYORIN Pharmaceutical Group Facilities Co., Ltd

Strategy 5. Expand overseas revenue

  • Expand overseas revenue through the promotion of global out-licensing.
  • Steadily take steps towards direct entry to the Asia market.
